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Thinking of Becoming an SMM Affiliate? Here Are a Few Ways to Make it Work

Posted by Barbara Maynard on 21st Jul 2019

Thinking of Becoming an SMM Affiliate? Here Are a Few Ways to Make it Work

Have you ever been curious as to how the blogs, videos, and influencers you follow are making money?

If you’re on social media, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “affiliate marketing” thrown around a time or two. Maybe you’ve noticed it in a YouTube video comparing two different hair products or at the beginning of a health blog advocating for a certain brand of protein powder.

So, what exactly is affiliate marketing, and how can you make it work for you?

Affiliate marketing is when you, the affiliate, use your platform to promote someone else’s product using affiliate links.

You include the link in a blog post or YouTube description, and any sales made through that link will be divided between you and the product’s creator. Through affiliate marketing, you can earn easy, passive income while also promoting products you believe in.

This symbiotic relationship pads your pocketbook while also helping to keep the products you use relevant.

In the rest of this article, we’ll explore some ways in which you can utilize affiliate marketing to promote the clean, natural Southern Magnolia Minerals products you love.

Option 1: Start a Beauty Blog

Blogging is by far the most popular way to earn affiliate income. Bloggers find a niche market that consumers will be interested in (in this case, beauty and lifestyle), and build their website around that niche.

Keying in on a niche like this helps drive traffic: it keeps readers coming back to your blog, as the consistency of your article topics showcases your expertise on the products. Creating content around these products then becomes easy-- you simply promote what you know.

Bloggers review products, post articles comparing an old product to a new one, or make it personal by sharing what they use in their own beauty routines. They then earn commission any time one of their readers follows an affiliate link in the post and makes a purchase.

You can narrow your niche down even further by being specific with your beauty choices. If you’re interested in affiliating with SMM, a vegan beauty blog promoting clean and cruelty-free makeup would be a solid choice.

Or maybe you’d like to broaden your reach, and include SMM’s naturally made products in a health and wellness post. If it piques your interest and brings you passion, chances are your readers will take note. The more real you are, the more likely they will be to believe in your recommendations.

Option 2: Create Makeup Tutorials on YouTube

If writing isn’t for you, promoting products through a visual medium is another good option. Vlogging is a great way to connect with people, as seeing a face and hearing a voice allows the viewer to relate to the vlogger on a deeper level than reading a blogpost might.

It also becomes easier to showcase the products you are trying to promote. The results won’t lie: if the makeup looks good in the video, the potential buyer won’t have to wonder.

An example of content to create for a YouTube channel about beauty products would be-- you guessed it-- makeup tutorials.

There are a lot of women right now looking for natural alternatives to their favorite makeup. Consumers are wising up to the fact that naturally-made products are healthier than the synthetic gunk we’ve been advertised since they’re healthier for us and for our planet.

A YouTube series showing viewers how to use clean SMM products just as they’d use convenient store makeup would be a good way to garner affiliate link clicks.

Option 3: Social Media

The work of running a blog or YouTube channel can feel daunting. If you aren’t quite ready to take that leap, you can first start testing your sales through social media.

Instagram influencers aren’t called influencers for nothing. They’ve created a brand based on their image, and they use affiliate links to monetize it. It’s in a very similar vein to the blog articles in that you promote what you like and what you know.

If your face is featured in a large chunk of your Instagram posts, linking the makeup products you used in the description won’t be a huge leap.

Pinterest is also a fantastic medium for promoting makeup products. You could create a board that links to all of the clean SMM beauty products you us in your morning routine, or make pins of your absolute favorite standalone products. Other Pinterest users can help spread your affiliate links by pinning these pins to their own boards.

Get started!

Using affiliate marketing to help you earn some extra money has never been easier. Promoting products you already use and love on accessible forms of media can help you pay your bills, and help reputable companies like SMM cosmetics reach a wider audience. All it takes is one click.

Find out more about our affiliate program here