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Why Our Non-Toxic Eyeshadow Needs to Be in Your Makeup Bag

Posted by Barbara Maynard on 15th Sep 2019

Why Our Non-Toxic Eyeshadow Needs to Be in Your Makeup Bag
If you haven’t heard by now, conventional makeup is full of unnecessary ingredients that can speed up aging, irritate your skin, and hurt our planet’s ecosystems when they get thrown away or get mixed into our water system.Non-toxic eyeshadow is one of those clean beauty staples that are a good investment if you don’t have the budget to overhaul your entire makeup collection because eyeshadow can be one of the worst offenders as far as its effec...
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Holiday Makeup Tips

Posted by India Stone on 24th Nov 2014

Holiday Makeup Tips
Hosting parties for the holidays can be lots of fun, but it's also lots of work.  Don’t sweat it.  Just because you’ve been cooking all day doesn’t mean your makeup must pay the price.Here are tips on how to keep your makeup looking fresh during the busiest times of the season.  Makeup for the HostessThere are two types of holiday parties:  those that are hosted by you, and those that are hosted by others.  If you find yo...
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What's Lurking in Your Makeup Kit?

Posted by India Stone on 27th Sep 2014

What's Lurking in Your Makeup Kit?
We hear about toxins in makeup all the time, but sometimes getting shaken up is the only way to get motivated to do a complete shakedown of your makeup kit. After learning more about the potential side effects of using ‘ dirty makeup’, I decided to do my own medicine cabinet shakedown.  Brace yourself:Start with the Top Five I picked out my top five most used cosmetic items. For me, this included: Neutrogena Facial moi...
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